Sunday, 20 April 2008

23.13 - 20/04/08

train party wine drunk cuts sleep snuggle cover leather ribena toast bacon sausages drive car indian dr who cuddle pillows jour/nuit dream cycle talk train doze chat train party wine drunk cuts sleep snuggle cover leather ribena toast bacon sausages drive car india dr who cuddle pillows jour/nuit dream cycle talk train doze chat train party wine dru




friday -

not so much unlike skins friday night was party night. eighteen birthdays to celebrate in one night (phoebe's not mine) that culminated in dancing.singing.falling.crying.smoking.trampolining.shouting.drinking.sleeping and that was just me.

i spent the rest of the weekend with my baby snuggled. in bed. blocking the rest of the world out, apart from dreams. dr who

was good. as was takeaway indian which felt like it'd been missing from many months of my life. it was filling; drop dead fred. he's a good'un.

took me back to 4 years old 'did you ever have an imaginary friend!?!'

YES HIS NAME WAS ZAC///////// today i travelled back to uni. train journeys are so pointless with nothing to look forward to. and now i sit with arthur again, beckoning me to write something about him and his dream instead i sit here eat doritos and pretend.


'i dunno, what are your thoughts?'


Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Once upon a time there was a story that began

01.14 am - Thurs 14/04/08

Have you ever wondered where Elvis Presley got his moves from?

once upon a time there was a story that began

thursday morning, very early, behind me jumps agyness deyn in a cut-out newspaper article adorning my wall with her winklepickers, that i hasten to add aren't liked by everyone. my girlfriend's face looks at me with her big blues and i wish she was here. brushing my teeth i looked in the mirror and thought 'not all that and a bag of chips' and my hair needs a wash.

parents are odd. this easter we argued. a delightful battle royale to the death. apart from there was of course no death involved, only shouting and homophobic rants. firstly i must explain i am far from putting myself in a box labelled gay straight bi. that's not me. but i have a girlfriend and this is a concept too difficult for my parents to understand. thus cut to various scenes of arguing, storming out, hysteria (great basis for a film) and here i sit wondering whether i can go home this weekend or to make other arrangements. in any case other arrangements have been made.

yaawn, sleep or arthur miller essay? i think he would have thought 'fuck it, catch some zzz's'. actually, who knows what he would have thought. snoooze. this is probably a load of bollocks, and youre reading and thinking, what the fuck?! why should i read this crap? well
to be honest
i dont know. first blog and all. early morning. we'll see how things pan out. for now.

'smashing. we're all pals together again.'
